Weight Loss

Ideal Protein

Physician designed and developed.

Ideal Protein is a simple-to-follow weight-loss program that taps into your body’s natural process to release fat. Supported by your coach, the Ideal Protein program sets you on your way to achieving a healthy and sustainable weight that activates and maintains a positive lifestyle.

Book Your Consultation Now

The Benefits

  • Consistent and predictable results
  • A unique and easy-to-follow protocol
  • Coaching support and motivation
  • Appetizing menus
  • Nutrient-dense supplements
  • Accelerated and sustainable weight loss
  • A healthy insulin balance
  • A non-medical tool to treat a variety of health problems including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypertension and metabolic syndrome

Contact us today and begin your journey back to a healthy lifestyle.

Food Is Your Medicine

Expert guidance from your very own personal coach keeps you motivated. The huge variety of delicious foods from Ideal Protein, along with the many other fresh, lean, healthy meals and snacks you can have, will keep you satisfied on your journey to your new healthy weight and beyond.

Take your health back today

The Ideal Protein Protocol has been exclusively developed & designed to help you lose weight, stabilize your weight loss and maintain your healthy weight for the long term.

How it Works

The Ideal Protein protocol was created almost 30 years ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh and Olivier Benloulou. Dr. Chanh was researching ways to create a safer and easier weight loss program for his patients. The Ideal Protein protocol has three phases.

Phase 1 – Weight loss

The Weight Loss Phase is designed to optimize fat loss through ketosis. This is achieved by restricting your carbohydrate intake. It’s a safe and natural state where the body mobilizes stored fat as its alternative energy source.

Phase 2 – Stabilization

Once you reach your weight-loss goal, your coach will guide you in gradually reintroducing carbs and healthy fats. This allows you to stabilize and maintain your new healthy weight.

Phase 3 – Maintenance

We’re here to help you to keep your new weight. Your coach will provide guidance and encouragement and help you to make wholesome food choices as you continue to develop healthy eating habits.

We make it personal

You have a one-on-one coach every step of the way to share information, ensure accountability, and offer support. With the help of your coach, you’ll discover your unique Macro Code to guide you to the right foods for your body—for life.

Weekly Cost of Program (Including Ideal Protein Foods, Supplements & Coaching)

$135. + tx for most

30 min Weekly Coaching Session (Available in-person or online)

Your trip to the grocery store is only for One 8oz portion of additional protein per day and select veggies

No weird expensive ingredients to search for.  Just simple food.

Welcome To IP Basic Starter Kit

  • 1st Month of Supplements with organizer
  • 28 Ideal Protein Foods ( 1st Week with Bonus Selections)
  • Prep & Serve Shaker Cup
  • Enriched Salt
  • 60 min Private Consultation
  • Complete Weight, measurements & Biometric scan with Report
  • Ideal Protein App Lifetime membership
  • Phase 1 Educational materials
  • One on one coaching
  • Daily Video Quicky
  • Before Pictures

$349. +tx

Phase 1 Weight Loss Weekly Program Fee

  • 21 Ideal Protein foods of your choice
  • Supplement Program
  • Complete Weight, measurements & Biometric scan with Report
  • One on one coaching
  • Daily Video Quicky

 $135. +tx 

WeightLoss Reboot Weight Clean-up

  • 1st Month of Supplements
  • 23 Ideal Protein Foods
  • Complete Weight, measurements & Biometric scan with Report
  • Phase 1 Educational materials
  • One on one coaching
  • Daily Video Quicky refresher

$210. +tx

Different Reasons, Same Solution

We are all different. We eat differently. We move differently. We have different genes. We’re unique. And that’s beautiful.

But all our bodies work the same on the inside in that we’re all biologically-hardwired to gain weight. And even though different things make us gain, each of us can turn food from the thing that can harm our health, into a big part of what gets us healthy. Harness metabolic science for a life and body-changing experience that is the Ideal Protein Protocol.