Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hair occurs when a hair that’s been cut, shaved or pulled starts to grow back and curves into the skin. They also occur when the pore becomes congested or irritated. Trouble spots can arise when wearing face masks or where the elastic rests on the groin.

Ingrown hairs can cause tiny pustules that look like pimples or more cystic swollen bumps on the skin. Both types of ingrowns can be very painful and leave scars.

Once a hair becomes ingrown, it will tend to continuously become ingrown because of long term damage to the pore.
Laser hair removal is the very best solution for ingrown hairs. It can treat active and painful ingrowns without disturbing the skin’s surface providing relief in even a few hours.

Ingrown hairs are one of the top reasons our clients seek out laser hair removal. The change that occurs in the skin is life changing.

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